Bandit - OverTheWire
— Place to practice Linux commands. The challenges are fun and interactive.
OverTheWire Bandit FULL Walkthrough
— Walkthrougs for the first link if you ever get stuck. The explanations are easy to understand.
Introduction to Hack The Box
— Overview for a security learning platform. Good place to study!
— Another security learning platform. Also a good place to study!
File Systems in Operating System
— Place to learn about the basics of file systems. Simple and straightforward!
Disk Partitioning in Linux
— Place to learn about the basics of disk partitioning in linux. Straightforward and simple!
Online C Compiler
— Online compiler to code in C. Write and run code easily!
Learn C Programming
— A place to learn C fundementals. Structured lessons!
Virtual Memory in Operating Systems
— A place to learn virtual memmory fundamentals. Easy to read!
Page Replacement Algorithms in Operating Systems
— A place to learn page replacement algorithms. Easy to understand!
— Docusaurus introduction page. Informative!
Docusaurus Tutorial
— A place to learn about docusaurus. Understanding made easy!
Docusaurus Creating Pages
— Docusaurus tutorial on creating page. Simple!
Docusaurus Blog
— Docusaurus tutorial on creating blog. Straightforward!
Linux From Scratch Wiki
— Overview on LFS. Enjoyable to read!
Linux From Scratch Forum
— Forum on LFS. Reading made enjoyable!